Writing from the heart

For today’s topic, we are going to be discussing writing from your heart and soul. In other words, exposing yourself, your experiences, traumatic emotions, most intimate moments, and deepest held thoughts and feelings about the world.

Most of those who know me would call me a ‘genuine’ person, and I am, but there is certainly a world within me that we all keep hidden. Intuition and knowing that I cannot put into words. And as an empath, I tend to focus more on the emotions of others when I’m with them, rather than exposing my own.

Isn’t it an interesting experience when writing a character or dialogue, and you find it’s a conversation you had with someone in passing years ago?

It’s also heartbreaking when what flows out of you are traumatic and hidden memories buried deep within you that will now be transmuted as words on the page.

As a writer, when you put these things down on the page you are exposing yourself. You might think, what if someone notices, recognizes me in these words? What if some of my friends think that what I am writing is directed at them? What if I am exposing the darkest and deepest parts of my psyche that I always wanted to keep hidden?

These thoughts bubble up and paralyze you, preventing you from truly opening up and writing from a place that most of your readers will find captivating and life-changing.

After all, it was Nikki Giovanni that said: “You must be unintimidated by your own thoughts because if you write with someone looking over your shoulder, you’ll never write”

It is imperative as a budding intuitive author that you allow your truth to come out, and your emotions to bubble to the surface. Even if it’s hard. Even if you don’t want to feel the emotions that come up for you.

If you have trouble with this, one recommendation would be to do morning pages or journaling to work through the fear, embarrassment, or shame you have from truly writing from the heart. As well to soothe and allow any emotions that have come bubbling to the surface.

How do you go with allowing yourself to be vulnerable with writing? Are you good at it? Do you struggle with it? Share your comments below.

Love Francesca


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